The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|

Whether the Polyphemus Moth appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are transforming beautifully. Something that you’re cultivating will bring you to great success and joy. Your spirit illumines and is piercing to the eyes that witness it. You are coming out of a dark night of the soul. Transforming out of the lessons that molded you. What served you in survival mode is about to die. Something was given to you to overcome an adversity and now it is time to surrender it. In other words, the training wheels are coming off and now it’s your turn. The tides are turning. Gone are the days when only the elite succeed, or only those in power.

You, yourself are coming to a prominent position. A position of power and prestige. You are ascending in many ways and breaking free of old constraints. This moth is also a sign of a loss of a loved one that may have been sick a long time with no sign of recovery. Soon, their suffering will be over. You will overcome your grief, this is a prophecy of about 5 days from the time of seeing this omen. The Polyphemus Moth is also a sign to make the most of a golden opportunity to come your way soon. For this is payback for the times you’ve spent in seasons of failure.

You’ve genuinely supported others and have shown great care and attentiveness in others big dreams. You are not forgotten about. The Polyphemus Moth is symbolic of transition, transformation, the end of a cycle, the conclusion of struggle, the removal of blocks your purpose and success. It is also a sign of a chain being broken. You may be experiencing potential you've never thought you had before. You may even teach about paranormal subjects or share spiritual knowledge. If this is a person/beloved/partner in question, then perhaps this person is only with you for a season and not a lifetime. It is also symbolic that this person in question is karmic and not soulmate.

The universe is looking to reward you. There's a one time deposit coming personally to you and this will set off a chain of events and deposits of abundance and prosperity. Your visions are telling you a story. Your clairvoyant gifts are expanding as well as other senses. Your discernment is a key tool in the coming days and months. You have truly surrendered to the higher powers’ plan for your life. Listen and take heed to all prophecies coming to you soon. “By chance” or out of the blue opportunities are coming your way. Take hold of all good things. You are setting yourself and family up for a lifetime of security, wealth, abundance and peace of mind. Keep moving forward, don't quit on you. Always bet on yourself.

If you want to bet on someone, bet on yourself. -Kobe Bean Bryant

This totem is a sign of the death card in tarot. So, something is about to end so that something far better can start/begin. If a friendship, relationship or connection ends at this time, let it be. Thank it for it's time and release. You may feel like you're alone but you're simply awaiting your season to lead, which is now. You have just shift into something more beautiful than you can imagine.

This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 

Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.

If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 


The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Image credit

