Obeah Healing Sessions


Obeah Healing Sessions

from $178.88

This healing Session will allow me to work with the most high on your behalf, to bring expedient results.

Healing Session:
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Greetings, Obeah is one of the most powerful practices of the African Tradition/culture. When all else has failed this service will provide expedient results for you. The sessions run for 15-minutes, half an hour or one full hour. If you would prefer an hour, depending on the expense of the concern/request, you can increase the quantity in order to lengthen session time. Obeah is a remarkable energy gifted to me through a lot of my own personal trials and came with a cost through adversities of my own and developing it with resources, paid for, out of my own income. 

This healing Session will allow me to work with the most high on your behalf, to bring expedient results to you. It obliterates spirits that block the goal of the outcome, as well as taking control over those spirits for you to assist in the success of the outcome. Ase! 

You are provided a report with every healing session paid for and performed, upon completion, within 24-72 hours. Thanks for being patient. 

So Be it.  Disclaimer: While rituals and ceremonies are intended for the highest good of every client. You are not being guaranteed anything, nor that it will work in your timing. I will however, do the best I can to assist you in what I have mentioned. An outcome is not set in stone.

Thank you for your purchase, 

Quornesha S. Lemon