Kundalini Reiki Healing


Kundalini Reiki Healing

from $678.88

Kundalini Fire Reiki Healing

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Kundalini Fire Reiki is an energy healing modality that helps you heal the forgotten patterns about yourself that might’ve been left, unhealed. Such as when you were born. There may have been things that took place when you were a child, that you can’t quite remember. Or forces opposing you when you were in the womb. It can help you feel balance that is optimum, supreme and complete. It is beneficial for those with a lot of energy flowing in their bodies, both physical and otherwise. It helps to remove etheric cords, conditions, and patterns. whether those patterns are inherited, vows, oaths, contracts. Etc.

Kundalini Fire reiki can also, balance and increase the Psychic Energies within a client’s body. It is universal and very empowering. It can heal cords, attachments, more easily. It’s very intense energy and works very well in accordance with Shamanic Work!

It is also beneficial to anyone who feels at a loss and doesn’t understand their reason for being here. It simply, brings you back to your center, while calling in your higher self and releases traumas to be transmuted.

Kundalini Fire reiki is not a replacement for professional, medical or psychological services. It is simply complementary to those systems and can likely speed up the process to your healing.

The following brief descriptions are details of the options:

  • Dna Kundalini is best for when you are experiencing low energy, sadistic thoughts, loss/negative increase of appetite, repetitive negative thoughts.

  • The Healing session is the basic level, It helps when you’re just needing an energy boost.

  • Birth Trauma Healing is best for when you wish to clear energy from when you were born. For example if you were an abortion attempt victim, or you were adopted and have a negative experience in life.

  • Past life is for your past in this life or in other lives before this one.

  • Sexual trauma healing, for if you’ve ever been raped, abused, molested, exploited or a sex worker.

If you have questions about any option, please feel free to contact me.