Exorcism With The Saints & Divine Energy


Exorcism With The Saints & Divine Energy


Exorcism for 15 Days with a report at the conclusion of it

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This service is a 15-day Exorcism ceremony. From morning till night. I do a prayer for you in the morning and another at night before the evening hours and burn a candle in between. This ceremony is virtual and you do not need to join in. You would need to offer one picture of yourself with your eyes exposed. And be ready for intense healing.

Includes energy from the 12 apostles, The Orishas/Saints. and over 100 thousand angels, and Protection that will last at least 1 full year. And clearing of soul energy that no longer serves you. You receive soul retrieval and a soul extraction that will help you function at your optimum.

A Candle to the orishas will be lit and a candle to The Holy Trinity will also be prepared as well as 7 mini tea light candles. These are 4-hour candles. And one after the other will be burned consecutively. This will be the sealing and blessing process.

This is perfect for the Fall season and it’s energy.

If ordered today, You will be added to my St. Michael Feast Offering on September 29th

Thanks for considering me to help you heal.