Court Case Ritual Prayer Candle
Court Case Ritual Prayer Candle
This ritual cam sweeten the outcome of your case
This ritual will assist you in obtaining victory in a court case proceeding. It will help you to prevail against any opponent. It works best when ordered at least 7 days ahead of your court appearance. This allows time and space for gathering materials and energy to send to the date you are set to appear.
Additional offerings are available.
This ritual will benefit:
Wrongful Termination
Wrongful Lawsuits
Lawsuits against another
& More!
It can also be worked if you are an attorney, seeking a favorable outcome in court.
This is a spiritual service and is not legal advice or services. No guaranteed outcomes are specified or made. These services are not for entertainment purposes. They are legitimate spiritual services and rituals that have helped clients when facing extreme odds, including divorce, child custody, business, etc. You are paying for candle ceremony, prayers, and energy, not legal advice of any kind. I may be able to provide feedback as to the energy of the outcome but this is a spiritual aspect only, not in a legal sense. In other words, you are paying me for my spiritual expertise in regards to your legal matter.