Written by Quornesha S. Lemon| Shaman & Transpersonal Life Coach| 

Shamanism, the journey has been long awaited. For many reasons.  Being a Shaman isn't a label for me. It's a calling which describes my many capacities. Psychic Medium too confined for me... Healer...not descriptive enough...Priestess, too broadened not descriptive enough. Intuitive...too quaint... Angelic Channeler way too subtle. Shaman is the most suitable fit for me at this time. As it deals with both "light" and "dark" forces.

Although my abilities can never be confined to one word...Shaman is a title that has chosen me. From the messages through dreams, spirit, Deities, animals, synchronicities, numbers, and so much more. I am loving this journey. And look forward to continuing to share the work...being of service. This is who I am!  I am grateful to all who support the cause. From the rituals to the Reiki...from prayers to everything that shapes and forms my calling.

I am here and have been through the fire and have stood on the mountaintop. Fighting energy, negative people, my own demons, other people's demons, the energy around me. Receiving from the universe, spirit, angels, animals, deities, And so much more. So I am chosen, called and Qualified by mighty and higher forces to fulfill the work of a Shaman. I am Shaman, Quornesha S. Lemon| Healing, Rituals, Prayers, Soul Transformation Services,  Coaching and classes are available. 

Shamanism for me, is an agreement to walk with spirit, the ancestors, angels, demons, animals, elementals, and to learn, grow and overcome from all forms of forces. This calling is of the highest order. I am psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant, Medium, healer, all of this and more, as I walk the sacred path of Shaman. On this path of Shamanism, there is no fear. We are experienced* in walking through all realms, and being able to communicate with every high and low entity. 

Namaste & Ase, 

Quornesha S. Lemon


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